Even before the release of his second self-financed album DL's name may already be familiar to readers given his previous work with The Electrics, Celtic Praise, Stephen Fischbacher and Yvonne Whitty (now married to Mr Lyon and trading under her married name!). When I first heard the album I was a bit concerned when I realised that here was a worship project which doesn't fit comfortably into any pigeon hole category like "Celtic" or "rock". Over recent weeks the CD has rarely been off the hi-fi and I am happy to report that the album is a grower and I am now completely hooked from track one through to 12 and it is all the better for sounding distinct from your average worship album. DL is a fine writer who has attempted to write and perform worship songs which avoid many of the over-used clichés and his songs have the happy knack of saying exactly what he means. 'Beyond' is well produced and features original and tasteful playing throughout with excellent lead vocals provided by, among others, Yvonne Lyon. However the strength of the album lies not in the occasional sonic surprise (harmonicas, mandolins and real strings on a self-financed album) or in the quality of the playing or production (Ross Hamilton once again does a sterling job in these areas). Song after song is thoughtfully written. Lyrics long after God and celebrate his goodness and wonder. On its own this CD could assist an individual's personal devotions and I am certain that a number of these songs could translate well for congregational use in the hands of your average decent praise band. Here's hoping that the album's originality doesn't stand in the way of it finding an audience, and here's hoping that there is more of the same to come from DL in future and with some co-writing with Sammy Horner and Chris Bowater going on it seems we may not have too long to wait to hear more songs he has helped pen. 8/10